Object Relation Theory – its development and fundamental assumptions as the base for the Therapeutic Playback theory
The assessment of Object-Relation systems and their expression in Therapeutic Playback Theatre.
The projections/ implications of the dual structure of Object Relations in Therapeutic Playback Theatre.
The presentation of the dual structure of the object relations through Therapeutic Playback Theatre.
The expressions of the Paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, and the transitions between them, in the returned representation form of the Playback Theatre
The aspiration for a correction and the Corrective Experience, The manic and integrative correction.
The Winnicott's way of thinking – Forming and maintaining the potential space between play and reality , the playing phenomena, true and false self , fantasy and regression within
Therapeutic Playback Theatre.
Archetypes and the Jungian way of thinking within Therapeutic Playback Theatre.
Group transference relations matrix by Foulkes - Direct expressions and symbolic processing within Therapeutic Playback Theatre.
Group theory by Bion, (Beta Elements, Alpha Function, container and contained relationships, the group's collective subconscious ) and it's implication on facilitating therapeutic playback
kohut's self psychology – Empathy , the Self-Other relationship, The construction of the self and the different types of self-other transferences ; all within Therapeutic Playback Theatre.
The Inter-Subjective approach and Therapeutic Playback Theatre